
Picture perfect cropping with hotspots

Cover Image for Picture perfect cropping with hotspots
Ima Ather
Ima Ather

I’m deciding how to crop an image for any aspect ratio using the Sanity’s hotspot and cropping feature. It’s for art direction for frontends. There's a post on CSS-tricks on how to do it if you want to see examples of it in action.

Or, check it out yourself in the studio. Play with how hotspots and cropping can alter the way the image looks on this post, and explore how easy it is to adjust and preview for the perfect fit.


  • Steve from agency-site.test ()

    First of all, I'd like to say "First!" Second, I'd like to add that it's a pretty cool feature for a headless CMS. My clients don't really know how to crop images before uploading, so maybe this will help them use properly art-directed images.

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